Residential Living
Our staff team at both 57 and 59 Castleton Avenue are focused on enriching the lives of every customer. Staff are trained to ensure the customers are treated with respect and dignity. In our residential services personal care is supported based on the current needs of the customer, from verbal encouragement to full hands-on care.
Our staff are fully trained to support customers who suffer from epilepsy and are aware of the different types of seizures and protocols to manage these.
We provide care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with experienced sleep-in and waking night staff. In most cases dietary, fluids and other aspects of care are monitored and recorded on our daily recording system.
Our support team follow specialist guidelines set out for each customer based on the customer’s care plan. This includes personal care / laundry / food preparation / assistance with eating / assistance with health issues / guidelines around supporting clients with behaviours that challenge, mental health guidelines and any mobility needs.
Our residential living services offer the following support and activities
- Organised visits with family members
- Support with attending day centres
- Accompanying customers with visits to community activities and on day trips
- Working with multi-disciplinary teams
- Working with families to implement / change care plans as and when needed
- Working with advocates, to ensure some of our more vulnerable customers have someone to help them to have a voice
- Providing customers with information in a format they can understand, thus ensuring they can make informed choices about the care they receive
- We work with the customers to prepare and cook meals according to their preferences – dietary, religious and nutritional requirements, following their care plans. We adhere to any eating and drinking guidelines as a result of health needs
Our residential services work with the local authority to apply for DoLs authorisations where a customer’s care requires certain restrictions to be included in their plan of care.
We provide and follow the 24-hour program for each customer, to support them with their developmental needs during their activities and routines in the community and in their home.
Customers are supported with all aspects of daily living as specified in their care plans and according to the individuals’ preferences.